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Forum Posts
Nicola Anselmi
Feb 10, 2024
In Poly Cinematic Forum
Searching the forum I found the old firmware
I installed 2.1.0 and found the original feedback with the envelope, I find it more musical.
Instead, trying the 3.4, I fell in love with the 2bp filter of the second filter mode. here too I find them very musical.
p.s. It would be great in general to be able to invert the env depth on the filter
between the original factory firmware which I assume is 2.1.0 and 3.4 I have not had the opportunity to try other modes
but as I found on 3.4 some notes are skipped from the sequencer (I use GC of endorphins and akai force)
so for now I'm using 2.1.0 but with regret for not having the 2bp filter mode
the module is fantastic for live performances and I would like the most from it I await updates
and I ask if there are other secret modalities that I can experiment with
Thank you for all the work you do
Nicola Anselmi
Jan 26, 2024
In Poly Cinematic Forum
Hi everyone
I updated the polycinematic and now I have problems playing it from the midi1 channel, the selector switches from All to channel 2, 3, 4, etc.
It seems like channel 1 is skipping.
First it worked and I set the setup so that the polycinematic went to 1
Has this happened to any of you too?
help please!!
Nicola Anselmi
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