I know this will void my warranty, but could you tell me which is the current-limiting resistor for the LED? It's way too bright, Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson just showed up at my house.
I wouldn’t recommend changing the resistors but if you did it would be located somewhere on the Daisy board attached to the control pcb. I would recommend using one of our 9mm led button stickers included with our chord pilots and available separately from some stockists , they reduce the glare and depending on which sticker design you use they can burn an image of our logo onto your retina.
Yes it is but because some people use Kickain in daylight I need to keep it bright.
I wouldn’t recommend changing the resistors but if you did it would be located somewhere on the Daisy board attached to the control pcb. I would recommend using one of our 9mm led button stickers included with our chord pilots and available separately from some stockists , they reduce the glare and depending on which sticker design you use they can burn an image of our logo onto your retina.