Sometimes when I power on my rack, the POLYC starts in a really messed up way and requires a power down and SHIFT power up (factory reset) to get it running again.
I am sending midi to the device from my Vector Sequencer TRS output and am not sending ANY controls other than poly pitch and gates (eg no midi cc data). Latest firmware.
Any ideas?
Hi Steve, sorry I wasn’t suggesting you unpatched every time, but just temporarily to help find the source of the problem, then we can try and fix it in a future firmware release. Factory reset is a last resort.
Its sounds like the unit is receiving some sort of unrecognised midi message at startup and that could be crashing the midi buffer. Alternatively there could be a spike at one of the CV/gates that is sending it an unusually high signal, the Chord Select input can be quite sensitive to this. Are there any inputs patched in at power up when this happens?