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Forum Posts

Jul 02, 2023
In Kickain Forum
Greetings, Just got my Kickain in the mail today. LOVE IT!!! BUT I'm noticing a strange sporatic "click" almost like a static "zap" regardless if I'm triggering it from my beatstep pro or Pams Pro Workout. I found the firmware update but for some reason I can't click the program button once I've connected to my usb port and added the firmware file. So my questions are: 1) should I presume that the firm ware was already updated on this new device 2) I see that the update deals with clicks happening with long bass triggers I presume this is what I'm experiencing and 3) is there anything i'm missing with this downloading of the firmware... I have the mod connect and I see the led lit on the back but can't quite tell if the button pressing I had to do worked. Any help is greatly appreciated in advance!


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