I'm having this issue too, but in a very specific use case. I've Ableton Live and Push 2. Ableton Live is sending midi out to a Polyend Poly2. Then I have a type-a-to-type-b TRS from Poly2's midi out to the Poly Cinematic.
When Ableton Live isn't "playing" - as in the transport head isn't moving - when I play chords, all is well.
But, when I hit "play" on the transport in Live, and I play a _chord_, I'll randomly get stuck notes on the Poly Cinematic. I _never_ get stuck notes when Live _isn't_ playing. I also never get _single_ notes stuck. But when Live is playing, and I'm playing two or more notes, I'd say it's 30% to 50% of the time I get a stuck note.
I upgraded both the Poly2 and Poly Cinematic's firmware with same results.
I do _not_ get this behavior going straight into the Cinematic.
Another weird symptom: If a note is stuck in the Cinematic, and I hit "stop" on the transport, the note stops!
I feel like the Poly2 is sending some weird midi even to the Cinematic, but not sure what. I suppose I could send the midi out of the Poly2 _back_ into the laptop and use a midi debugger to see what exactly is getting sent...