I'm seeing an issue where voices seem to become stuck. the Trigger button light stays on, and eventually no new notes are played, as if all the voices are allocated and locked out. I'm using the XOR nerdseq to sequence, but I've also tried some regular controllers as well. I've tried forcing note off messages, but success has been mixed. it seems to work as expected for a bit, but then the voice allocation goes awry again. anyone else seeing similar issues?
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I'm having this issue too, but in a very specific use case. I've Ableton Live and Push 2. Ableton Live is sending midi out to a Polyend Poly2. Then I have a type-a-to-type-b TRS from Poly2's midi out to the Poly Cinematic.
When Ableton Live isn't "playing" - as in the transport head isn't moving - when I play chords, all is well.
But, when I hit "play" on the transport in Live, and I play a _chord_, I'll randomly get stuck notes on the Poly Cinematic. I _never_ get stuck notes when Live _isn't_ playing. I also never get _single_ notes stuck. But when Live is playing, and I'm playing two or more notes, I'd say it's 30% to 50% of the time I get a stuck note.
I upgraded both the Poly2 and Poly Cinematic's firmware with same results.
I do _not_ get this behavior going straight into the Cinematic.
Another weird symptom: If a note is stuck in the Cinematic, and I hit "stop" on the transport, the note stops!
I feel like the Poly2 is sending some weird midi even to the Cinematic, but not sure what. I suppose I could send the midi out of the Poly2 _back_ into the laptop and use a midi debugger to see what exactly is getting sent...
There is a new firmware version out that might help. There was a bug that could kill off voices in some use cases. The new firmware 1.03 fixes it.
Nevermind. this appears to be an issue on my end with how the Nerdseq handles note off messages. Will experiment to confirm